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[TED] What's the difference between guilt and shame? https://www.ted.com/talks/june_tangney_what_s_the_difference_between_guilt_and_shame What's the difference between guilt and shame? We all experience feelings of guilt or shame at some point. What should we do with them? Clinical psychologist June Tangney differentiates between constructive guilt and crippling shame so that we can learn to better identify and manage our feelings. (This www.ted.c.. 2021. 7. 13.
[Article] Nobody does shipping logistics better than Amazon Cameron, J. (2021). Nobody does shipping logistics better than Amazon. The New York Times. 1. Summary Nowadays, the meaning of this term 'Getting There' has changed from 'moving' to 'get something in front of one's house'. One of these change-makers is 'Amazon', which has been able due to the remarkable technology development, along with its own business management. With increasing amounts of or.. 2021. 7. 13.
Part 1-7: Nice Mrs. Garcia Nice Mrs. Garcia 친절한 가르시아 부인 We followed Mr. Tushman down a few hallways. There weren't a lot of people around. And the few people who were there didn't seem to notice me at all, though that may have been because they didn't see me. I sort of hid behind Mom as I walked. I know that sounds kind of babyish of me, but I wasn't feeling very brave right then. 우린 투시맨 씨를 따라 복도 몇 개를 내려갔다. 주위에 사람이 많지는 않았.. 2021. 7. 8.
2 “It’s all right, officer,” he said. “I’m waiting for a friend. Twenty years ago we agreed to meet here tonight. It sounds strange to you, doesn’t it? I’ll explain if you want to be sure that everything’s all right. About twenty years ago there was a restaurant where this shop stands. ‘Big Joe’ Brady’s restaurant.” "정말 괜찮습니다, 경찰관님. 친구를 기다리고 있어요. 20년 전에 오늘 밤 여기서 만나기로 약속했거든요. 정말 이상하게 들릴 거예요, 그렇죠? 별.. 2021. 7. 5.
The History of English (영어의 역사) Unlike languages that developed within the boundaries of one country (or one distinct geographical region), English, since its beginnings 1,600 or so years ago, evolved by crossing boundaries and through invasions, picking up bits and pieces of other languages along the way and changing with the spread of the language across the globe. Old English (450-1.100) The history of the English language .. 2021. 7. 5.
Part 1-4: Christopher's House Christopher's House 크리스토퍼 네 I was really bummed when Christopher moved away three years ago. We were both around seven then. We used to spend hours playing with our Star Wars action figures and dueling with our lightsabers. I miss that. Last spring we drove over to Christopher's house in Bridgeport. Me and Christopher were looking for snacks in the kitchen, and I heard Mom talking to Lisa, Chris.. 2021. 7. 5.