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문법 정리3

[Unit 64] to ... , for ... and so that ... 1) to부정사의 형용사적 용법 = 명사 수식 N + to V ( +Prep. (on, with) ) 더보기 It's hard to find a place [to park in the city center]. (=a place where you can park) Would you like something [to eat]? (=something that you can eat) Do you have much work [to do]? (=work that you must do) They gave us money [to buy food]. Is there a chair [to sit on]? I get lonely if there's nobody [to talk to]. I need something [to .. 2021. 12. 18.
[Unit 53] Verb + -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing etc.) 이 게시물은 한국외국어대학교 '실용영문법'을 기반으로 작성되었습니다. This post is written based on 'Practical English Grammar' in Hankuk University of Foreign Languages. ● Gerend(동명사): V-ing ○ 성질: 동사(이나 명사속성을 아주 많이 가짐) ○ 개념: 추상성(과거, 현재, 미래 - 시간적 제약 X, 동작성↓) ○ 기능: 명사(주어, 목적어, 보어) ○ 부정형: not + V-ing ex) I enjoy not working late. ex) When I'm on holiday, I enjoy not having to get up early. ○ 본 동사보다 더 이전 시점 + 완료 표현: 완료형 동명사 havi.. 2021. 12. 18.
[Unit 32] must, mustn't, needn't 1. must / mustn't must = it is necessary that you do it mustn't = don't do it 2. needn't / don't need to ○ need로 현재 시제 부정문 만드는 법 2가지 1) 서법조동사 need → needn't + 원형부정사 ※ 이 need는 '조동사'이므로 뒤에 무조건 원형부정사 당연히 needs X (시제 반영X) needn't to X (to부정사 X) needn't do something = It's not necessary to do it (but you can if you want) 필수는 아닌데, 하고 싶으면 해도 돼 2) 일반동사 need → don't/doesn't need + to V (to부정사) = don't ha.. 2021. 12. 18.