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[TED] Everything around you can become a computer (Ivan Pouprev) https://www.ted.com/talks/ivan_poupyrev_everything_around_you_can_become_a_computer/transcript Transcript of "Everything around you can become a computer" TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Designer Ivan Poupyrev wants to integrate technology into everyday objects to make them more useful and fun -- like a jacket you can use to answer phone calls or a houseplant you can play like a keyboard. In .. 2021. 6. 7.
[TED} How Blockchain and AI can help us decipher medicine’s big data https://www.ted.com/talks/gunjan_bhardwaj_how_blockchain_and_ai_can_help_us_decipher_medicine_s_big_data Hi, everyone. Today, I am Yebin Song and I am going to present about AI and Blockchain in medicine. The title of TED video which I am going to introduce to you is ‘How blockchain and AI can help us decipher medicine’s big data’. The table of contents of today’s presentation is, first, I am go.. 2021. 6. 4.
코로나 이후의 대한민국과 정치의 역할 (The Role of Politics in South Korea in Post Corona Pandemic) 위 글은 영남대학교 2021년 5월 31일 유승민 특강을 기반으로 작성되었습니다. This is posted based on a special lecture by Seung-min Yu in May 31th, 2021 in Yeungnam University. We have to make sure to look forward toward the future ahead of at least 100 years, not just staying in the past. 1. Before this pandemic of COVID-19 (1945-2021) We were developing fast until 1990s, including our economics, politics, and the growth of .. 2021. 5. 31.
How to keep human bias out of AI (Kriti Sharma) https://www.ted.com/talks/kriti_sharma_how_to_keep_human_bias_out_of_ai/transcript#t-535359 Transcript of "How to keep human bias out of AI" TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: AI algorithms make important decisions about you all the time -- like how much you should pay for car insurance or whether or not you get that job interview. But what happens when these machines are built with human bias w.. 2021. 5. 24.
An Analysis about Generation Z https://writingcenter.uagc.edu/summary-vs-analysis Summary vs. Analysis | UAGC Writing Center When asked to write an analysis, it is not enough to simply summarize. You must also add your own analysis of what you’ve discovered about your topic. Analysis means breaking something down into its various elements and then asking critical thinking ques writingcenter.uagc.edu Generation Z You may have .. 2021. 5. 22.
Dear Therapist's Guide to Staying Sane During a Pandamic APA Citation: Gottlieb, L. (2020, March 18). Dear Therapist’s Guide to Staying Sane During a Pandemic. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2020/03/a-therapists-guide-to-emotional-health-in-a-pandemic/608161/ Dear Therapist’s Guide to Staying Sane During a Pandemic You can let anxiety consume you, or you can feel the fear and also find joy in ordinary life, even now. www.thea.. 2021. 5. 17.