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[TED] Everything around you can become a computer (Ivan Pouprev)

by Yebin (Kylie) 2021. 6. 7.



Transcript of "Everything around you can become a computer"

TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Designer Ivan Poupyrev wants to integrate technology into everyday objects to make them more useful and fun -- like a jacket you can use to answer phone calls or a houseplant you can play like a keyboard. In a talk and te




컴퓨터가 공기처럼 존재하는 미래가 온다, ‘앰비언트 컴퓨팅’

스마트폰으로 디지털을 접한 아이들은 TV를 볼 때에도 손가락으로 스크린을 넘기려 하는 모습을 보인다고 합니다. 아이들은 컴퓨터라는 인식 없이 스마트폰을 사용해왔기 때문에 TV를 보면서도



1.      What information do you learn about the speaker and their background?

He is studying how to interact with everything around us, and he even tried to make new products using technology for interacting with objects. And during his presentation, he wore a jacket with that technology which interacts with something around him, controlling his presentation slides.


2.      Summarize the main idea of the talk in one sentence.

There comes an era that communicates with everything around us.


3.      What supporting details or examples does the speaker use to support their ideas?

He referred to ‘Hackers’ which he read when he was young to explain his idea in inventing new technology that trying to change an object’s purpose would help to come up with new ideas. And to support his idea that everyday items are very good sources of inventions, he made some examples of what family members touched for a whole day. This would make listeners would think about their everyday items. And the most persuasive and shocking example was the jacket he was wearing, which can control his presentation. I think it was a real example that people cannot have any other ideas but just believe it.


4.      How does the speaker engage the audience? For example, using images, charts, humor, actions.

One of the most emphasized ideas he was emphasizing was that making new technology without changing its original shape. And he showed his jacket was the example because it was having its shape that he looks great. It was very fun humor but also emphasized his idea once again. It was a very good presentation. And he showed some images that everyday items which can communicate with us. The plant was an example of it which was stimulated by a person’s hand. This engaged the audience have more trust in his presentation.


5.      What is your opinion of the talk? (1 paragraph = 5 sentences – 10 sentences)

I was very fascinated about this topic. It was unbelievable for me that we can communicate with objects around us, which have no life. I cannot guess a jacket controlling presentation and a plant talking that it does not want touch. I became so interested in ambient computer which was mentioned at the end of his presentation that I searched for it, but there was not enough information as IOT or Big Data. I was so surprised scientific technologies are developing very fast that I cannot even imagine how our future would be.