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Chapter 4-2) Extensive Reading [확장형 읽기] ● The Goals and Limitations for Extensive Reading ○ ER is a form of learning from meaning-focused input. - Day and Bamford(1998): ER involves a large quantity of varied, self-selected, enjoyable reading at a reasonably fluent speed. (읽기라는 것이 많은 요소를 포함하고 있다. 자신한테 맞는 책을 고르는 것도 훈련을 통해 이루어질 수 있다. 따라서 학습자가 한 번 해보고 어렵다, 하면 바꾸어도 주고 시행착오가 중요하다. / 아이들이 직접 고르는 것은 중요하다. 아이들의 선택을 존중하는 것이 중요하다.) ○ Reading ca.. 2021. 11. 30.
Chapter 4-1) Extensive Reading [확장형 읽기] ● Extensive Reading(ER) fits into the meaning-focused and fluency development strands of a course, depending on the level of the book that the Ls read. (의미, 맥락 파악 중심이어야 함) ○ This chapter examines the research on graded readers to draw up a set of guidelines for setting up and managing extensive reading programs. ○ These guidelines involve (쉽고, 재미있고, 그래서 많은 양을 읽혀야 함) - understanding the type of l.. 2021. 11. 30.
Chapter 2-2) Learning to Recognise and Spell Words 2. Phonics and the Alphabetic Principle ● Learning phonics: learning the systematic relationships between written letters and sounds 글자와 발음이 구조적으로 연결이 되는 것을 가르쳐주는 것(최근에 발달된 프로그램) + the range of spelling-sound correspondences b → /b/ Exceptions) (예외 조차도 그 사이에 규칙이 있음) - Rule based(bb-/b/, mm-/m/) - X occur in many words - silent 'e' (맨 끝에 'e' 묵음) ex) 'Tim' vs 'Time' 모든 단어에 적용하지 못한다는 단점이 있다. 그렇기에 우.. 2021. 11. 30.
Chapter 2-1) Learning to Recognise and Spell Words ▶ An essential part of the Reading skills is the skill of - being able to recognize written forms and to connect them with their spoken forms and their meanings - recognizing known words and deciphering unfamiliar words +) recognize를 하지 못하면 난독증이다 ▶ Reading skill is the "Balance" of 1) Meaning-focused input 2) Meaning-focused output 3) Language-focused learning 4) Fluency development 1. Prerequis.. 2021. 11. 30.
Chapter 1) Learning to Read in the First Language Chapter 1. Learning to Read in Another Language 1) Learning to Read in the First Language - Shared Reading - Guided Reading - Independent Reading 2) Learning to Read in Another Language 3) Learning to Recognise and Spell Words 4) Prerequisites for Formal Reading Instruction - Learning Letter Shapes - Phonetic Awareness - Writing Conventions - Spoken Language and Reading 5) Phonics and the Alphab.. 2021. 11. 30.
Chapter 4-3) Extensive Reading [확장형 읽기] ● Set, Encourage and Monitor Large Quantities of Extensive Reading - Ls need to read many books in order to gain control of the high frequency words of English, preferably at the rate of a graded reader every one or two weeks. (자주 나오는 단어라는 것은 중요하기 때문이다.) - Techniques and procedures that can be used to motivate Ls - R should be the main activity and other activities should occupy only a very smal.. 2021. 11. 30.