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English Literature/Poems

Two Voices in a Meadow (Richard Wilbur)

by Yebin (Kylie) 2021. 6. 15.

A Milkweed (민들레 홀씨)


Anonymous as cherubs 

Over the crib of God, (하나님의 구유 위에 아기 천사들처럼 이름 없이)


White seeds are floating

Out of my burst pod. (꼬투리가 터져 하얀 꽃씨가 떠다닌다)

What power had I

Before I learned to yield? (항복하기 전(순응하기 전, 굴복하기 전)에 난 어떤 힘이 있었던가? = 아무 힘도 없다)

Shatter me, great wind:

I shall possess the field. (강풍이여, 나를 부수어다오. 난 들판을 차지하리다.)

▶ 강풍이 불면 꼬투리가 터져 하얀 꽃씨가 들판을 다 뒤덮을 것이기 때문


A Stone


As casual as cow-dung

Under the crib of God,

I lie where chance would have me,

Up to the ears in sod.

Why should I move?

To move Befits a light desire.

The sill of Heaven would founder,

Did such as I aspire.

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