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Dear Therapist's Guide to Staying Sane During a Pandamic

by Yebin (Kylie) 2021. 5. 17.

  APA Citation:

Gottlieb, L. (2020, March 18). Dear Therapist’s Guide to Staying Sane During a Pandemic. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2020/03/a-therapists-guide-to-emotional-health-in-a-pandemic/608161/


Dear Therapist’s Guide to Staying Sane During a Pandemic

You can let anxiety consume you, or you can feel the fear and also find joy in ordinary life, even now.




  • MAIN IDEA: Lori Gottlieb who wrote the article “Dear Therapist’s Guide to Staying Sane During a Pandemic” explains that we must take care of our mental health as much as we care about our physical health.
  • SUBPOINT #1: The more we feel anxious about unproductive rumination, the more we try to comfort ourselves with something tangible.
  • SUBPOINT #2: Thanks to disruption to our busy schedule due to COVID-19, we became to care about emotional relationships with others.
  • SUBPOINT #3: We must practice both/and practices with a big exhale for our mental health.



Lori Gottlieb who wrote the article “Dear Therapist’s Guide to Staying Sane During a Pandemic” explains that we must take care of our mental health as much as we care about our physical health. We take attentive care of physical health, maybe because of fatalities with exact numbers, which results in sick mental health, but we can neglect mental illness instead. To precent this, the author suggests both/and concept. First, we become devastated from unproductive anxiety, trying to believe with tangible materials. This devastates our life and mental health. Second, thanks to disruption to our busy schedule, we became able to care for emotional relationships with others. Third, we all must pay much attention to mental health as well as physical health. We can start from taking a big exhale and practice both/and practices.