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English Grammar (영문법)/English Grammar In Use (Cambridge)

[Unit 37] can/could/would you ... ? etc.

by Yebin (Kylie) 2021. 12. 18.

1. can/could you ...? / Do you think you could ...? : (요청) ~해주실 수 있나요?

ex) Can you wait a moment, please?

Could you wait a moment, please?

※ Do you think you can ...? : '능력'을 묻는 표현

ex) Do you think you could take me to the airport? 저를 공항까지 데려다주실 수 있나요?

Do you think you can take me to the airport? 저를 공항까지 데려다 줄 능력이 있나요?


2. can/could/may I...?: (주문) 제가 ~을 하고 싶은데요? / 제가 ~해도 될까요?

ex) Can[Could] I get[have] these postcards, please?ex) Could[Can] we have the menu, please?

※ May I have...? → 더 공손한 표현

ex) May I have these postcards, please?


3. can I ...? : (제안) 제가 ~해드릴까요?

ex) Can I use your phone charger?

ex) Do you think I could borrow your bike?

※ May > can, could → 더 공손한 표현

ex) May I ask you a question?

+) Do you mind if I...?

+) Is it all right if I...?

+) Is it OK if I...?


4. [제안, 초대] Would you like (to): ~하는 것 어떠세요?

     [제안, 공손] I would like (to) = I'd like (to): ~하고 싶어요.

     [제안] Can I ...?: 제가 ~해드릴까요?

ex) Can I help you? 도와드릴까요?

ex) Would you like some coffee? 커피 어떠세요?

ex) I'd like some information about hotels, please. 호텔에 관한 정보 부탁합니다.