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English Grammar (영문법)/English Grammar In Use (Cambridge)

[Unit 32] must, mustn't, needn't

by Yebin (Kylie) 2021. 12. 18.

1. must / mustn't

must = it is necessary that you do it

mustn't = don't do it



2. needn't / don't need to

○ need로 현재 시제 부정문 만드는 법 2가지

1) 서법조동사 need → needn't + 원형부정사

※ 이 need는 '조동사'이므로 뒤에 무조건 원형부정사

당연히 needs X (시제 반영X) needn't to X (to부정사 X)

needn't do something = It's not necessary to do it (but you can if you want) 필수는 아닌데, 하고 싶으면 해도 돼

2) 일반동사 need → don't/doesn't need + to V (to부정사)

= don't have to (현재 시제 부정문에서)

▶ needn't do / don't need to do 


○ needn't / mustn't

You needn't tell Steve. I can tell him myself. (=It is not necessary)

스티브에게 말할 필요 없어. 내가 말할 수 있어. (=불필요하다)

You mustn't tell Steve. I don't want him to know. (=don't tell him)

스티브에게 말하지 마. 걔가 아는 거 싫어. (=말하지 마)



3. needn't have p.p = (과거에 ~했지만 알고보니) ~할 필요가 없었다 = ~할 필요가 없었는데 ~함

Paul and Sarah reserved a table at a restaurant. But when they went to the restaurant, it was almost empty. 

They needn't have reserved a table.

= They reserved a table, but now they know this was not necessary.

폴과 새라는 식당에 예약을 했다. 그러나 식당에 도착하니, 거의 다 비어있었다. 테이블을 예약할 필요가 없었다.

= 그들은 테이블을 예약했지만, 불필요하다는 것을 알았다.


○ needn't do / needn't have done

Everything will be okay. You needn't worry. (it is not necessary)

모두 괜찮을 거야. 걱정할 필요 없어.

Everything was okay. You needn't have worried. (you worried, but it was not necessary)

모두 괜찮았잖아. 넌 걱정했지만, 그럴 필요가 없었어.



4. needn't have p.p / didn't need to

needn't have p.p = (과거에 ~했지만 알고보니) ~할 필요 없었다

didn't need to = (과거에 실행 여부 상관없이) ~할 필요 없었다 1) 그래서 안했다 2) 그래도 했다 = didn't have to

1) He needn't have done it. 

= He did it, but now we know that it was not necessary

ex) Why did he get up early? He needn't have got up so early. He could have stayed in bed longer.

그는 왜 그렇게 일찍 일어났대? 그렇게 일찍 일어날 필요는 없었잖아. 침대에 더 오래 있을 수 있었을 텐데.

2) He didn't need to do it = didn't have to

= it was not necessary to do it. It doesn't matter whether he did it or not

He didn't need to get up early, so he didn't.

He didn't need to get up early, but it was a beautiful morning, so he did.

그는 일찍 일어날 필요가 없어서, 안 일어났다.

그는 일찍 일어날 필요가 없었지만, 아름다운 아침이라서, 그는 일어났다.


○ 응용

He needn't have got up so early, so he didn't. (X)

그는 일찍 일어났는데, 알고 보니 그렇게 일찍 일어날 필요가 없었다. / 그래서 그는 일찍 일어나지 않았다.

→ 성립 불가능



★ 정리


     - need : ~할 필요가 있다


     - need have p.p : ~할 필요가 있었다. 근데 안 했다                   

     - needed to V : ~할 필요가 있었다. 1) 그래서 했다 2) 그래서 안 했다


     - needn't V : ~할 필요가 없다                   

     - don't need to V : ~할 필요가 없다 = don't have to


     - needn't have p.p : ~할 필요가 없었다. 그런데 알고 보니 했더라.                 

     - didn't need to V : ~할 필요가 없었다. 1) 그래서 안 했다 2) 그래도 했다