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English Linguistics

What is Language (1) - Linguistic Knowledge

by Yebin (Kylie) 2021. 6. 15.

이 게시물은 한국외국어대학교 '영어학개론'을 기반으로 작성되었습니다.

This post is written based on 'English Linguistics' in Hankuk University of Foreign Languages.


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(가급적 PC 버전을 추천드립니다.)

◎ 교재는 'An Introduction to Language(Tenth Edition)'입니다.


<  Chapter 1: What Is Language?  >

1) Linguistic Knowledge

- Sound System

- Words(Arbitrary)

- Creativity

- Sentences and nonsentences


2) What Is Grammar?

- Descriptive Grammars

- Prescriptive Grammars

-Teaching Grammars 

- Universal Grammar

- Development

- Sign Languages (Language Universal의 증거)


3) What Is Not (Human) Language?

- Birds and Bees

- Can Animals Learn Human Language?


4) Language and Thought


  1. What is Language?

- The attribute that distinguishes humans from other animals

- Language : the source of human life and power

- African : newborn child 'kintu (=thing)'  O  /  person 'muntu (=human being)' X

(언어를 배워야 human being이 된다고 생각했기 때문)


▣ 'know' a language?

- can speak to and understand each other

- 언어는 speech보다 큰 의미 > sign languages(using hands and facial expressions)

(deaf people은 사람들이 spoken languages를 듣고 이해하는 것처럼 sign languages를 보고 만들어내고 이해하기 때문)

▶ Languages may differ in modality (=method you use for language)

'언어'는 spoken Language, Written language, Sign language 모두 포함



  2. Linguistic Knowledge

 내재적 (implicit)

- 갖고는 있지만 의식을 못하는 지식

   ex) 5살 아이는 관계사절(relative clause)가 뭔지도 모르면서 잘 사용함

         " My grandfather [who was born in Sweden] sent me this present.

- Similarly, a person may walk without being aware of the mechanisms involved.


▣ Linguistic Knowledge의 종류

1. Knowledge of the sound system

     ex) Phonetics, phonology

2. Knowledge of words

    ex) Morphology, semantics

3. Knowledge of grammatical rules

    ex) Syntax

▶ The study of linguistics changes our implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge (implicit → explicit)

(make us aware of and able to explain)


2-1. Knowledge of the sound system

1) Knowing what sounds are in your language, and what sounds are not (무슨 소리 있고 없는지)

- substitue sounds with sounds available in your native language (본언어에 있는 소리로 대체)

    ex) French : this, that → zis, zat (프랑스에는 th가 없어서 z로 대체)

    ex) Korean에는 없는 소리 : P/F, R/L, B/V


2) Knowing what sound combinations are possible in a particular language (소리 합체가 가능한지 아닌지)

     ex) Nkurumah (former Ghana president)

            - /nk/는 영어에서 단어의 첫 부분에는 올 수 X, 끝에는 올 수 O [응크]     ex) thank, bank, think, sink


2-2. Knowledge of words (언어의 자의성 포함)

1) Knowing that certain sequences of sounds signify certain concepts or meanings (소리 조합이 의미 갖고 있는지 없는지)

     ex) lut = l+u+t 하지만 의미는 X

     ex) 'toy', 'boy'는 단어 O /  'moy'는 단어 X (의미가 없으므로)



3. Two features of human language

1. Arbitrary relation of form and meaning (언어의 자의성)

- 언어를 모르면, 단어가 이해가 안 되는 이유 (단어 형태와 의미가 자의적이기 때문)


  ▣ Arbitrariness : no natural correspondence between form and meaning

'Form' in spoken language = sounds (말할 때의 '형태' = 소리)

'Form' in written language = letters (쓸 때의 '형태' = 글자)

▷  The concept is represented by the words (같은 뜻이 나라마다 부르는 말이 다 다름)

       ex) '집'이

'house' in English

'maison' in French

'casa' in Spanish

'dom' in Russian

'job' in Korean

▷ The same sequence of sounds represent different meanings (같은 소리가 나라마다 뜻이 다 다름)

      ex) 'taka'가

'hawk' in Japanese

'fist' in Quechua

'small' bird in Zulu

'money' in Bengali


+) 수화에도 Arbitrariness 있음

     ex) 중국의 수화 유저(Chinese Sign Language; CSL)와 미국의 수화 유저(American Sign Language; ASL)는 서로 이해X


  ▣ Iconicity

- Iconicity : the form of word mirrors its meaning (직관적, 딱 보면 아는 것)

- Many signs were originally iconic, where the relationship between form and meaning is not arbitrary.

(원래 표지판은 iconic이었지만, 시간이 지나면서 conventional하고 arbitrary하게 바뀜)

     ex) sign for 'eat' or 'food' → 손을 입에 갖다 대는 표지를 보면 '먹는구나', '음식' 연상 가능

- Sound symbolism : Onomatopoeic words(의성어 - 본질이 iconic)

  → the pronunciation of some words suggest their meaning

       ex) ding-dong, tik-tok, bang, zing, swish, plop

  하지만, 의성어도 나라마다 소리가 다 다름

        ex) A rooster's crow is '꼬끼오' in Korea, 'Cock-a-doodle-do' in English, 'Kukkokiekuu' in Finnish.

        ex) 소 울음 소리 '음메'는 영어의 'moo'와 전체적인 뉘앙스('ㅁ')는 닮았지만, 구체적으로 보면 다름

- Conventional signs / Natural Signs

    - Natural Signs : part of biological make-up and do not have to be learned (생물학적, 배울 필요X)

       ex) facial expressions, such as smiling and frowning (얼굴 찌푸리거나 웃는 등의 표정)

    - Conventional Signs : must be learned, may be differ according to community (학습 필요, 사회적 약속, 나라마다 다름)

      ex) 수화

      ex) 제스처(OK, money)


2. The creativity of linguistic knowledge (언어의 창의성)

- Knowing a language = 문장 무수히 많이 만들기

                                             = 끝없이 길게 만들기

- Chompsky (1957) 

   - "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously."

      → 문법 O 말 X

  - "Furiously sleep ideas green colorless."

      → 문법 X 말 X

- Creativity of language applies not only to the production of new sentencs, but also comprehension.

  (언어의 창의성은 새로운 문장 만드는 데도 도움이 되지만, 이해력에도 도움이 된다.)

   ex) Pigion-toed giraffes in pink skirts were dancing on my bed.

        → 말 X 이해 O 상상 O

- There is no limit to the possible length of a sentence. (문장 늘리는 것에서 끝은 없다.)

  ex Is it a fact that Cindy knows that you know that I know that linguistics is an interesting subject?



4. Grammatical knowledge

- Knowing a language = 그 문장이 맞는지 아닌지 판단 가능하게 함

  e) What he did was climb a tree (O)

       What he thought was want a sports car (X)

       → Linguistic knowledge는 forming grammatical sentences하게 해 줌



5. Linguistic Knowledge

- Knowledge of the sounds, the words and the rules for their combination (소리, 단어, 조합 규칙)

- Knowledge of the rules for forming grammatical senteces (문법적으로 맞는 문장 만들기)

- The ability to judge whether a sentence is well-formed or not (맞는 문장인지 아닌지 판단)


6. Linguistic Knowledge and performance

  • Linguistic competence : what we know about a language (언어적 지식)
  • Linguistic performance : how we use this knowledge in actual speech production and comprehension (써먹기)

- Although infinitely long sentences are possible (competence) , they are highly improblable (performance)

  (진짜 긴 문장을 만들 수 있긴 있어도 (언어적 지식) , 이해하기 힘들다 (써먹기).)