[TED] How great leaders inspire action
How great leaders inspire action
Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership -- starting with a golden circle and the question: "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright brothers ...
1. Summary
Though they had somewhat similar abilities comparing to others, are there any tips for some companies who made a great success, such as Martin Luther King or Apple or Wright Brothers? This is about 'golden circle' discovery, 'why', 'how', and 'what' from inside. 100% knows 'what' they did, some knows 'how' they did, and very few know 'why' they did and 'why' they made a profit. 'Why' is your belief. You've never thought about 'Why does your organization exist?'. We usually think from 'what' to 'why', but inspiring leaders think inside-out. This has been proved biologically, also. So the point is, you have to hire those who believe what you believe. If you hire those who don't, they would work just for money, without any passion. And if you don't know why you should do, you become just a part of what you do. Wright Brothers invented planes, though they didn't even get any professional education. Because they knew their dreams and their vision, not money, which attracted those who believe them. So the consumers of your products are not just buying your products, but buying what you believe. So, there are two kinds of leaders in our society, one has money and power, but the other has an ability to inspire others. Which do you think is closer to you?
2. Opinion
I was very impressed about 'We have to hire those who believe our belifs.'. I began to think about my relationships around me. Which kind of leaders they were involved in? And I was very sure of it. There's one older brother I'm used to support, and I was sure that I support him not for him, but for me. That was 'inspiring' and I got wondered which type of leaders I want to belong, one who has money and power, but the other who has inspiration. I came up to a conclusion that I want to have both, but I still think it's somewhat my huge dream.